
2021-11-03 11:34:59 English.rednet.cn
作者:阮梓峰 文建美 李放鸣 陈伟 编辑:高芹


In this late Autumn, hundred of people are busy with picking up tea-oil fruits in hundred acres of tea-oil trees spread in hills of Ningjiaping Town Youxian County. These reaped fruits gradually were stack into small hills.



Tea-oil tree is always vibrant throughout an entire year. They can live to almost two hundred years. The process of flower turning into fruit usually take a year. Its oil can be extracted and has a golden color and a unique fragrance. It is considered therapeutic in Chinese medicine, and it is one of best cooking oil.


Ningjiaping Town is known for its tea-oil trees. Farmers this year had collected a decent amount of fruits. Oil extracted per acre is estimated to be three hundred thirty kilograms. Its value is approximated to be seventy million RMB.



Located on the south side of Danling Mountain, Lingjiaping Town has mild weather. It became a proper place to plant tea-oil trees. According to documents in 1977, the collection of tea-oil fruits in this township had occupied ten precent of the total amount of reaped tea-oil fruits in the entire county. Even after several incidents of forest fire and decreases of young labor forces, this town still has more than two thousand acres of tea-oil trees.


Liu Zijian is a “new farmer” who had worked at many places other than Ningjiaping Town. Twenty years ago, heard of the national policy that supports economy in the countryside, he was determined to come back and started a business. He made a large amount of investment on planting tea-oil trees here. This town government also had invited agricultural experts to advise the use of grafting to improve production. By employing this method, farmers had replanted many old tea-oil trees. In an addition, this town had mobilized many neighboring towns to set up fire barriers in forests.

刘子建是该镇宁家坪社区走南闯北的新农人20年前,顺应生态文明的新潮流,他毅然返乡创业,并投入大量资金在种植油茶林上。该镇邀请林业局技术专家现场指导对老茶树进行高位截枝的钻木嫁接,有效提高了油茶产量. 该镇和周边县镇沿山火多发区合力治理,设置山脊防火隔离带;

Tea-oil trees does not need fertilizers and any particular antibiotics. Farmers can benefit from it considerably every year. The poverty is significantly alleviated by productions of tea-oil fruits, hot peppers and gingers, these major three produces in this county. 

油茶林不需特殊治虫,不需施肥. 它为村民持续创造可观的经济收入。 许多山民靠油茶、辣椒、生姜的坪阳三宝走上脱贫致富路。
