Lecture on regulations related with overseas Chinese in universities

2022-07-01 09:36:33 english.rednet.cn
作者:阮梓峰 编辑:江雪


The lecture on regulations and policies related with overseas Chinese, titled as “Protecting the rights of overseas Chinese, Executing practical works”, in Hunan Normal University

Organized by The United Front Work Department of CPC Hunan committee and Hunan Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, the lecture on regulations and policies related with overseas Chinese, titled as “Protecting the rights of overseas Chinese, Executing practical works”, has recently been held in Hunan Normal University. Revolving around Changhsa talent policy and regulations on overseas Chinese, this event distributes and explain Qiaoqingzhuanbao document, and aims to enhance understanding on regulations and legal rights of overseas Chinese and student studied abroad. It will improve on building the federation of overseas Chinese among universities in Hunan.

“Can graduates with master or doctor degrees purchase real estate immediately?” “ How overseas Chinese apply for extra added point in standardized tests?” In the event, returned overseas Chinese and students studied abroad have raised many meaningful questions regarding to policies and regulations.

Sun Minsheng, the party secretary of Hunan Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, states that this lecture aims to assist returned overseas Chinese and student studied abroad to understand beneficial policies and to protect their own rights. It is an important event organized by the federation to unite with the university. Returned overseas Chinese has made great contributions in different periods of People Republic of China. The Federation will continue to provide quality service to returned overseas Chinese and student studied abroad.
