Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation coveys the meeting spirit

2023-09-22 11:03:23 红网
作者:田兴雨 编辑:谭婕倪


On September 14, the 8th Standing Committee Meeting (Enlarged) of the 8th Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation was held in Changsha.


On September 14,the 8th Standing Committee Meeting (enlarged) of the 8th Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation was held in Changsha to convey the spirit of the 11th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and their Relatives and the Participation of the Hunan delegation, and to inform the Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation its work this year and the next stage arrange and awards to commended units and individuals.


Sun Minsheng, Party Secretary and Vice Chairman of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation, said that it is necessary to build a warm home for overseas Chinese compatriots, create a team of considerate and hard-working cadres, and gather more powerful force for the construction of a modern new Hunan. It is also important to strengthen positive incentives, vigorously publicize, work hard to select and continuously improve advanced models, create a good atmosphere for overseas Chinese in the province to learn advanced and contribute more, and stimulate the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of overseas Chinese officials in the province.


In recent years, many advanced models have emerged in the overseas Chinese community in Hunan Province, playing a leading role in the innovation and development of the province’s overseas Chinese federation. Among a group of advanced individuals and collectives in the overseas Chinese community commended by the 11th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and Their Relatives, 8 collectives and 33 individuals were commended across the province.
