红网独家英文采访丨时代楷模万步炎:探索更多人类未知世界 作出中国科学家贡献

2023-05-26 21:59:22 红网
作者:王嫣 陈珉颖 杨抒怀 任晔 编辑:戴桢

By Wang Yan, Chen Minying, Yang Shuhuai, Ren Ye in Xiangtan

“As a Chinese Scientist, my dream is to explore more human unknown fields in science and technology with my colleagues.”Wan Buyan said.

Wan, China's pioneer scientist on marine resource exploration, was awarded the title "Role Model of the Times" by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

He is a professor at the Hunan University of Science and Technology. For the past more than 30 years, Wan focuses on the major strategic needs of China and has been researching marine resource exploration technology

China has more than 150 national patents and 16 international invention patents, and the key core technologies of deep-sea resources and geological exploration are in the hands of Wan Buyan.

The one of these, Hainiu II deep-water drilling rig system which was developed by Wan's team, has operated at a depth of over 2,000 meters in the South China Sea. It set a new world record for deep-water drilling after digging 231 meters into the seabed.




万步炎领衔科研团队从零开始,克服重重困难,研发打造的“海牛II 号”深海钻机在南海超2000米深水成功下钻231米,刷新世界纪录!


