
双语 | 你我这五年·街采:身在湖南,买卖全球

来源:English.rednet.cn 作者:杨朝文 何青 阮梓峰 编辑:周怡琳 2021-11-10 14:46:13

“Nuts sold in our shop are imported. Pistachios are from America, and pecans and Hawaiian nuts are from South Africa. Our cashew nuts are from Vietnam.” Liu Panpan introduces these products, who is from Xinhui Food Inc in Gaoqiao Grand Market.


As Changsha opens itself to the world, the phrase, “international Gaoqiao as a global business harbor”, which is a slogan hanged on the wall is becoming a reality. Free trading policy had been implemented. Foreign commodities are usually aggregated here, and are distributed to local shops in different areas of Hunan.

随着对外开放程度的不断提升,“国际高桥,世界商港”作为挂在墙上的标语, 正逐步成为现实。自由贸易政策已经实施。进口商品在这里汇集,再经各地经销商带往全省各地。

Gaoqiao is the center of economic and trade cooperation between Hunan and Africa. So far, six different supply chains of non-resource imports, such as coffee, cashew nut, Hawaiian nut, cocoa, sesame and dry chili, have been completely established.


In 2021, under the support of Hunan provincial government, Rwanda dry chili was authorized to import. Gaoqiao Grand Market purchases the dry chili directly from Rwanda and makes arrangements between trading shops in the market and food manufacturers. In the end, these chilis are used in manufacturing hot sauce that will be sold locally.


Not only foreign commodities are sold in here, but also many local products are exporting internationally.


In 2018, Gaoqiao Grand Market became the pilot for “the market purchasing” trade mode. The implementation of this policy makes small business owners capable of trading internationally. Xiong Jianxun, who is in charge of the Anhua Dark Tea International Hall in Gaoqiao, is telling us that tradings that are made of small quantities and different products used be hardly achievable. Reasons are that a small quantity of products is not allowed to be loaded into a container and that foreign clients usually are not willing to purchase large amount of commodities at once.


Now, under the coverage of “the market purchasing” trade mode, small business owners are able to share a container with others. Commodities, such as tea, china and metal fittings, which are shipped to the same destination, can be stored in the same container. Also, only three fillings related with customs are required.


As cross-border e-commerce retails expand, relying on this policy, Xiong Jianxun has exported Anhua dark tea and bamboo products made in Yiyang to Congo Republic, Philippine and Malaysia, and contacts with Russian clients have been made recently. In Gaoqiao Grand Market, there are many business owners like Xiong Jianxun, who are exporting in small quantities. A total exported commodities in this market has reached 2.3 billion dollars.


As the economical reform deepens, the trading market has diversified, and consumption has increased. From January to August this year, a total income of retailing in Hunan reached RMB 1176.07 billion, an increase of 20.7%. Its increase rate is 2.6 percentage points higher than that of the nation. Xiangtan, Chenzhou and Zhuzhou has become pilot zones of cross-border e-commerce retailing. In the near future, international trading in Hunan is quite promising.



作者:杨朝文 何青 阮梓峰



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