Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation studies the spirit of the two session

2023-03-30 15:40:53 english.rednet
作者:谭婕倪 编辑:李丽


Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation studies the spirit of the two session.

On the afternoon of 16th, Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the two session, focusing on studying the spirit of the two session and the series of important speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during the two session. Sun Minsheng, secretary of the Party group and vice chairman of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation, Li Zuyuan, member of the party group and vice chairman of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation, and Mao Binghua, vice chairman of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation, attended the meeting.

The meeting emphasized that all cadres of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation should take the new development concept as the action guide for the work of the Federation, further clarify the focus and main direction of work in conjunction with the functions of the various departments of the Federation, give full play to the advantages of the vast number of overseas Chinese resources, and contribute to the construction of a new development pattern and promote common prosperity.
