
Hello Volunteers

来源:english.rednet.cn 作者:陈杰 阮梓峰 编辑:周怡琳 2021-12-06 16:52:04

As local community volunteers, they work on various aspects of local resident’s life. Liu Pei, a volunteer In Qingshansi Community Changsha, looks after Wang Aizhen, a 78 years old lady.

December 5th 2021 is the 35th International Volunteer Day for Social and Economic Development. The United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV) coordinates International Volunteer Day on 5 December every year to recognize and promote the tireless work, not just of UN Volunteers, but of volunteers across the globe. Every day, volunteers dedicate time and effort to ensure the inclusion of those often left behind, drive climate action and advance the Sustainable Development Goals. The theme of this year is volunteer now for our common future. The following images creatively captured these volunteers who are engaging with community works.

Deng Yan, a volunteer in Xiufengshan Community Changsha, is responsible for fire safety and trash collection.

Li Weiping, the team leader of volunteers in Xiufengshan Community Changsha, organized a ten days event and recruited 47 people. They safeguarded the community and checked outsiders’temperatures during the quarantine.

Huang Bing, a social worker in Kaifu District in Changsha, helps Huang Yanshuang to alleviate poverty.

Ren Fengyu stops the traffic for children and guarantees their safety after school.

Tang Taohe takes care of Liu Sanmao who is 73 years old man and lives alone.


作者:陈杰 阮梓峰





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