
双语 | 冬奥知识:冰壶比赛到底擦的是什么“地”?!世界顶级制冰师来揭秘

来源:CGTN 编辑:阮梓峰 2022-01-17 14:22:38


We should face the fact that when we talk about the sport of curling, most of us immediately think about the memes and gifs of curling players yelling and brushing. Very few people know how exactly it’s played, and even fewer know anything about the icy sheet those eight players stand on.



There's a technique in curling called "pebbling," meaning ice makers spraying water evenly across the curling lanes that turn into countless little "pebbles" as they freeze. These pebbles create a thin layer of air underneath the 19.1-kg stone, which in a way, reduces the friction and also stops the stone from sucking to the ice considering its concave bottom. And when it runs across the "sheet," the pebbles melt a little and create another thin layer of water and therefore it slides better.


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The water used to form the pebbles isn't just any water from the tap; it's purified, or as they call it, deionized water. Purified water freezes faster and harder, which makes the brushing much better and allows the pebbles to stay standing tall for the whole game.


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The goal the players are trying to achieve by brushing along the track of the stone is to change its direction or speed. Long story short, the more and harder the sweepers brush, the shinier and more slippery the ice gets and so the stone travels quicker and farther. If the stone is close enough to the house or the button and it doesn’t need extra speed or distance, one just keeps the brush up and doesn't touch.


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冰壶冰面的平整度非!常!重要!普通溜冰场,冰面三平方米区域内可能存在两毫米的高度差,但是冰壶运动的冰面必须是百分百水平。世界冰壶联合会的首席制冰师马克·卡兰(Mark Callan)说:“你可能想当然地认为只要把场地铺满水,让它结冰就完事儿了。但即便水面可以保持水平,但冻冰时却会产生偏移,因为它会从空气中吸收一些灰尘或颗粒。因此,冰层中会产生小洞和凹陷。所以我们要做的就是填充这些小洞和凹陷,使其达到完全水平。”

One other key factor for curling ice is the evenness of the rink. Unlike other ice sports where there could be a 2mm height difference within a 3-meter-squared area on the rink, curling ice has to be 100 percent level. "You certainly think just fill it with water and let it freeze then everything's good, "says Mark Callan, the chief ice technician at the World Curling Federation, "but water doesn't freeze levelly because it picks up some contaminants from the air. Therefore, it creates little dips and little hollows in the ice. What we have to do is prepare the ice and fill these little hollows in to make it absolutely 100-percent level."


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Curling is really about accuracy, and even a minor error on ice, or the stone, could potentially turn the tables in a game. "If the players skill is not being tested by how good they can play a shot, but by having to battle bad stones or bad ice conditions, then it becomes more a game of chance. That's not really what it's about. We want to make it a game of skill," Callan says.




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