
New Year picture from Tantou celebrates Year of the Tiger

来源:english.rednet.cn 作者:肖霄 阮 梓峰 编辑:阮梓峰 2022-02-06 16:07:55

New Year picture is a form of Chinese colored woodblock print, for decoration during the Spring Festival. Professor Liu Shengwen from Xiangnan University design a set of New Year picture to celebrate Year of the Tiger. This New Year picture were printed in Tantou Longhui county.

Yin Dongxiang, an intangible cultural inheritor of Taotou New Year picture, tells us that the main character of this picture dresses a general uniform that is from traditional opera. Five small tigers actually refer to a Song dynasty literary allusion, and it means a blessing for children.

Tantou woodblock New Year picture listed as national intangible cultural heritage in 2006. Since 2014, Tantou woodblock New Year pictures have been created based on Chinese zodiac. In 2021, intangible cultural heritage preservation center started to publicly collect designs of New Year picture.


作者:肖霄 阮 梓峰





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