
A congress of the Youth Committee of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation was held

来源:english.rednet.cn 作者:谭婕倪 编辑:翁子茜 2022-12-01 10:48:16


The Second Member Congress of the Youth Committee of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation was held.

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Awarded honorary certificates.


The Youth Committee of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation signed a cooperation agreement with the Youth Committee of the Global Hunan Business Alliance, the Youth Entrepreneurs Chamber of Commerce of Hunan Federation of Industry and Commerce, and the EMBA Federation of Hunan University.


The first chairman meeting of the second committee of the Youth Committee of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation was held to discuss the division of labor among leading members.

On November 23, the Second Member Congress of the Youth Committee of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation was held in Changsha. Sun Minsheng, Party Secretary of the Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation, attended and delivered a speech, and Li Zuyuan, member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation presided over. Luo Changjun, Deputy Secretary of the Hunan Communist Youth League Committee, Qiu Dinggao, LevelⅡInspector of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Hunan province Committee, Mao Binghua, Vice Chairman of the Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation and Chairman of the First Committee of the Youth Committee of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation, attended.

Sun Minsheng pointed out that all the overseas Chinese youth committees and the young people in the overseas Chinese community should combine their personal ideals with the development of the country, carry forward the tradition of studying abroad to serve the country, take serving the country and the people as their pursuit, make achievements in upholding morality and cultivating people, promoting scientific and technological development, and set an example in strengthening cultural self-confidence and telling Chinese stories. The Youth Committee of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation should strengthen the team building, start from the needs of the majority of overseas Chinese youth, carry out activities consistent with the characteristics of the times, the needs of the Party and government, social recognition, promote the high-quality development of the work of the the Youth Committee of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation by creating a distinctive brand, building a home for overseas Chinese youth, and make the Youth Committee of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation a warm home for overseas Chinese youth in Hunan.

Chen Senlin, speaking on behalf of the leading group of the Second Committee of the Youth Committee of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation, said that he would strengthen the ideological and political guidance of the youth in the overseas Chinese community, lead the youth in the overseas Chinese community to follow the Party, give full play to the advantages of the youth in the overseas Chinese community at home and abroad, and make efforts and contributions to the high-quality development of the Youth Committee of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation and the Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation.







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