

来源:红网 作者:陈珉颖 陈奥男 编辑:王津 2023-09-07 22:23:33

红网时刻新闻记者 陈珉颖 陈奥男 长沙报道

White Dew, generally, falls on about September. It indicates the real beginning of cool autumn. 


From the first day of White Dew and as the season progresses, there is more and more dew. Although sunshine during the day makes it still hot, after sunset, temperatures decrease rapidly. 


At night, water vapor in the air turns into small drops of water when it encounters cold temperatures. These white water-drops adhere to flowers, grass and trees. When the morning comes, sunshine makes them look crystal clear, spotless white and adorable.


Varying by geographical location, autumn comes earlier in the west and northeast of China. Right now Kanas in Xinjiang, Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan and the Greater Khingan Mountains in Northeastern China are entering the most beautiful season of the year.


Longan fruit around White Dew is big, sweet and tastes great. There is a tradition in Fuzhou, East China's Fujian province, that eating longan on the first day of White Dew can help nourish the human body. 


It is said that one longan is as nutritious as an egg. Although this sounds exaggerated, longan does reinforce the spleen, nourish the blood, calm the nerves and improve one's looks.


Many regular tea drinkers favor White Dew Tea. Tea during White Dew has gone through the hot summer and is in its best state of growth. White Dew Tea is different from spring tea, which is usually too tender and doesn't last long. It is also different from summer tea, which is dry and has a bitter flavor. White Dew Tea instead tastes sweet with a sweet fragrance.


Many Chinese believe that the best food during White Dew is sweet potatoes. In the old days, some regions had the custom of eating sweet potato on the first day of White Dew. Besides being the No 1 vegetable against cancer, according to Chinese medicine, sweet potato can nourish the spleen. It can prolong life and reduce the risks of disease.



作者:陈珉颖 陈奥男





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