
The 2nd Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation system Volleyball Competition was held

来源:english.rednet 作者:谭婕倪 编辑:李丽 2023-05-06 15:03:31


The 2nd Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation system Volleyball Competition was held in Changde.


The competition site.


Sun Minsheng (second from left), Secretary of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation, presented the award to the first prize winning team.

On April 22, the 2nd Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation system Volleyball Competition was held at the National Fitness Center in Wuling District, Changde City. Sun Minsheng, Secretary of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation, announced the opening of the competition. Kang Chongwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Changde Municipal Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of the Municipal Committee, delivered a welcome speech. Li Zuyuan, a member of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation, and Zhou Daihui, Vice Mayor of Changde City People's Government, attended the opening ceremony.

The competition was hosted by Hunan Overseas Chinese Federation, organized by the United Front Work Department of Changde Municipal Party Committee and Changde Overseas Chinese Federation, co organized by the Overseas Chinese Federation in Wuling District, Changde City, the Fitness Center in Wuling District, Changde City, and the Volleyball Association in Wuling District, Changde City, and implemented by Hunan Fenjin Sports Culture Development Co., Ltd. There are a total of 15 teams participating in the competition, including representative teams from Hunan overseas Chinese Federation and representative teams from various cities and prefectures.







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