

来源:时刻新闻 作者:朱闻芩 赵佳妮 刘慧婷 何哲圣 编辑:曲澜 2023-10-16 12:23:18

红网时刻记者 朱闻芩 赵佳妮 刘慧婷 通讯员 何哲圣 益阳报道


Welcome to Libo Qingxi Bookstore. Because of the novel "Great Changes in a Mountain Village", because of the writer Zhou Libo, we have the chance to meet here in Qingxi Village.


Qingxi Village is located in Xielingang Town, Yiyang High-Tech Zone, Hunan Province, where the famous writer Zhou Libo was born.


More than 60 years ago, Mr Zhou Libo wrote in his novel "Great Changes in a Mountain Village", which was based on Qingxi Village, "I want to dress up and beautify Qingxi village with my hands, so that it will become a beautiful garden ......".

六十年后,清溪村绿林郁郁葱葱,小溪潺潺。田园荷塘相伴、青石小路环绕。清溪画廊、立波故居….. 山清水秀的故乡依旧,但新山乡巨变已悄然发生。

Sixty years later, Qingxi Village is lush with green forests and babbling brooks. Surrounded by lotus pond and greenstone paths, Qingxi Gallery, Zhou Libo's former residence ..... The hometown with splendid mountains and rivers remains the same, but huge changes have quietly taken place in this village.

乡土孕育文学,文学回到乡土。田垄相连之处,大大小小的书屋错落有致。到清溪,去读书! “看得见山,望得见水,记得住乡愁”的新时代“山乡巨变”,等你来清溪村探索。

Hometown breeds local literature, and it backs to hometown. Large and small bookstores are situated where the fields are connected to each other. Go to Qingxi and read books! "Enjoy the natural landscape and retain their love of nature" of the new era of "Great Changes in a Mountain Village", Qingxi Village is waiting for you to explore.


作者:朱闻芩 赵佳妮 刘慧婷 何哲圣





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