湖南美食图鉴丨长沙龙虾馆排队7000桌 快来一起实现小龙虾自由

2023-08-10 19:30:49 红网
作者:殷铭康 编辑:张立


Every summer, crayfish is a deservedly summer snack in the central role. Get together with your friends, put down your mobile phone to quit your internet addiction and focus on the shrimp in your hands! Under the 40-degree heat of the backdrop. With the air-conditioning eating shrimp, sucking soup, do not be too pleasant to feed!


Summer's top star comeback. How popular are crayfish in Changsha? Any one of the famous crayfish halls is queuing 7000 tables, . Today, let's check in and explore the eye-catching charm of the crayfish.


The food is not yet on the table, with me to the back of the kitchen to take a stroll! After being picked and put into the ultrasonic shrimp washing tank for cleaning, countless crayfish is brushed and cleaned into the pot every day. Only small crayfish with white belly and gills can be eaten with peace of mind. Look at the deep-fried, reddish crayfish that come out of the pot! Green shrimp meat is tender, thin skin, suitable for shrimp tail, steamed shrimp, and oil-popping shrimp. Red shrimp meat is fluffy, suitable for making the old Changsha flavour of taste shrimp.

口味虾是长沙虾派首选,大骨熬制的汤底,配上些许调料,将龙虾放入其中焖煮,典中典!掰开一只大虾塞进嘴里,一口下去,卤辣鲜香,饱满Q弹,口味棒棒哒~ 很难不爱这蒜香、咸辣的风味,但这盆底的万能酱汁如此浓郁、够味,拌上碱面才不浪费!一口气吃三份简直不是问题。

Spicy crawfish is the preferred choice of the Changsha Shrimp Pie, with a large bone simmering soup base with some seasoning, into which the crawfish are simmered, classic type! Crack open a prawn and stuff it into your mouth, one bite down, briny spicy and fresh. What a fluffy taste!

It's hard to resist the garlicky, salty and spicy flavours, but the all-purpose sauce at the bottom of this pot is so rich and flavourful that it's not wasted when tossed with noodles! It's not a problem  with people to eat three portions of Changsha Shrimp Pie in one go.


To food as a carrier, the output of Hunan culture, Why Changsha is the city that never sleeps? That's because the crayfish is so delicious! Now, Hunan has entered the peak season of crayfish production. Welcome to Changsha and taste it!


