

来源:红网 作者:陈珉颖 陈奥男 谭婕倪 编辑:高芹 2023-03-05 14:43:07


Editor's note: In March, Beijing entered the time for holding the Two Sessions. This is not only a major event in China, but also attracts global attention. People from all around the world come to China for all sorts of different reasons.Amongst them, there is a group that originally come out of interest or curiosity, and then end up meeting their destined partner and settle down to become an international son-in-law. They have seen the changes and development of China and care greatly for the future of their second home, and they too have their own feelings about the government work report.This year’s special report on the Two Sessions focuses on "international son-in-laws speaking about the Two Sessions", let's follow foreign nationals from different industries and see what in the Two Sessions they care about most.

托马斯(Thomas David)

红网时刻新闻记者 陈珉颖 陈奥男 谭婕倪 长沙报道

来自德国的托马斯(Thomas David),现任职德国Romaco集团中国公司副总经理。2015年,他因一个偶然的工作机会来到中国,竟然就爱上了这里的一切:好吃的食物,美丽的风景,独特的文化,还有命定的另一半…

Thomas David from Germany, is now the vice general manager of Romaco Group China. He came to China by chance in 2015 and fell in love with everything here: the delicious food, the beautiful scenery, the unique culture and he met his beloved one......


In Shanghai, a romantic encounter with his wife made him a Chinese son-in-law. Because of the endless possibilities here, he and his wife unanimously decided to settle in China.


This year's report on the work o fgovernment said: China will accelerate modernization of industrial system. This makes Thomas very glad: "My future is in China!"

托马斯和他的妻子(Thomas and his wife)


Contribute his own effortto the second hometown


The German Romaco Group, a subsidiary of Truking Technology, is an international supplier of processing and packaging equipment.At the beginning of 2020, when the epidemic broke out, the pharmaceutical companies tried every possible way to increase productivity and produce more drugs to support the front line. Receiving the request for help, TrukingTechnologyimmediately organized technical experts to tackle the problems and support the pharmaceutical companies.


From the moment they received the assignment, Thomas and his partnersworked around the clock to complete the researchand development of the Smart Filling and Emptying System and its related software in just three months. This system can reduce the quality risk of drug production and increase the yield of drugs by 5% to 10%.


"Europe and China are two different cultures with different understanding of the relevant knowledge, and a bridge is needed when translating the application of the knowledge.I am this bridge", said Thomas, who is one of the inventors of this technology. He felt sohappy that he can contribute to the development of the pharmaceutical equipment industry.


In China, Thomas has seen the transformation of China's economy from high speed growth to high quality growth, and he appreciates the vigor of the Chinese people, they can always stay energetic yet humble.


"When I first arrived in China, most companies were concerned about their out put, but now people are more concerned about their quality", Thomas said, adding that people's focus on technology has not only shown him the future of his company, but also his own future, and he is willing to contribute his strength to the pharmaceutical equipment industry.


Find the source of motivation to keep moving forward


This year's report on the work of government said: China will accelerate modernization of industrial system. Thomaswas excited with the report.


"Good medicines require better, safer and more efficient manufacturing equipment and packaging processes," Thomas said, "while innovation and development in medical equipment technology is also vital to human health."


As everyone's focus on health continues to grow, so will the demand for medical services. Although we can't escort everyone's health like a doctor, as a practitioner in the medical equipment industry, it is also valuable to make a contribution to the health cause.


Thanks to the investment of Truking Technology, Romaco Group has more resources and a broader space for development in China. And as an individual, Thomas has also been given more roomto develop in China.


"To have a place in the global market, you musthave independent innovation, while innovation needs support", Thomas said, adding that he sees the development potential of China and the determination of Chinese people to climb the world's peak, and he is encouraged by the clear signals released in thegovernment work report. This is also an important motivation for him to keep moving forward.


"My future is in China!" Thomas said excitedly.




作者:陈珉颖 陈奥男 谭婕倪





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